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Techologies Inc.


A young company at the time, Building Technologies was at the forefront of networking, security, and delivering services to building owners and their tenants. Harvey Belfer and Frank McDonald had a proof of concept meeting with a new potential client; they wanted to impress. Their aim to raise their profile and place themselves on a different playing field. It was a gamble that paid off in spades.

Evolving Media was commissioned to design, photograph, write promotional copy, and print a three-panel, full-colour, full-bleed, letter-sized executive brochure, on a tight deadline.

The focus of the campaign was a Golden Opportunity for Building Owners to earn more money from their properties. I won’t go into detail about their product or service. Working with Harvey Belfer, we came up with the concept to photograph one of the owners of Building Technologies; which funny enough, happened to be Harvey himself, with his hands cupped. The visual message, holding a building in his hands — A pot of Gold.

Time was of the essence; we had a short creative window to design and print the brochures. So Evolving Media hired Fred Cattroll, of Cattroll Photography, a prominent photographer in Ottawa, to photograph the owner in a rented studio. Once the photo, to use on the front cover was selected, the magic began.

After the photoshoot, Jeff Poissant, walked around Ottawa and other cities we happened to be in afterwards, for some reason or another, and took photographs of buildings. Jeff then selected elements from various properties and created a unique apartment building to be placed in the clients’ hands.

Did you know that you risk being sued for Copyright infringement if you use an image of a building; without having the building owners sign a property release form? You also risk being sued by the Architect of the building. Imagine!

So we created our own, selecting more than 24 features from various images taken and creating the one we used.

Can you tell?


This project was such a success that Evolving Media continued to work with the owners; Harvey Belfer and Frank McDonald, of Building Technologies for more than seven years.

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