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25KM Walker-Run


Sunday, April 5th. Our photo assignment was to photograph Bob Hardy as he completed a 22-mile walker-run at the Cornwall Civic Complex in Cornwall, Ontario. Bob phoned me at 10:30 am to cancel the session due to the closure of the running track that day. Fifteen minutes later I received another call from Bob. He decided it was time to launch and test a new route and a new project. “Walk for Life.”

Walk for Life is a 25-km walker-run in the country — Alexandria to Glen Robertson and back. The walk Starts at 10 am. whoever wants to join, even for a little walk, can meet us at 9.45 am at Tim Hortons on Main Street South in Alexandria. Visit Bob’s Facebook page for the schedule, as he may not be walker-running every Sunday.

Bob Hardy is training for a 5 hour, or less, Ottawa Marathon and a two hour and 20 minute half marathon at the St. Lawrence Marathon. This route will also be part of Bob Hardy’s 100-km in 14 hours race walk, an integral part of the new “Walk for Life.” Leave the car and walk to the stores and back. Release the endorphins and enjoy life. Endorphins. Best antidepressant available.

Jeff Poissant, RGD is the official photographer of the Bob Hardy The Walker Runner Series.

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